A heavenly view of the Christmas star
In the heavens, it’s all about perspective. A rare astronomical event occurred just after sunset on Dec. 21, 2020, when our solar system’s two largest planets – Jupiter and Saturn – appeared (to the naked eye) to cross paths, creating what appeared to be one bright...

BlackSky satellites deliver first images within 58 hours of launch
Our fifth and sixth satellites launched into orbit on August 7 and began delivering imagery 58 hours after launch, which is unprecedented. Those satellites in conjunction with the advanced analytics offered by our Spectra AI platform, have allowed BlackSky to provide our customers with high velocity insights that were previously unattainable. In less than a week!

The road to launch: team reflections on what our 5th and 6th smallsat launch means to us
If you’ve been part of our Road to Launch campaign, then you’ve already been introduced to some of the amazing team members that make up the BlackSky family. With the incredible launch of our 5th and 6th smallsats now behind us we can take a breath, dish out a few high-fives, raise a glass, and celebrate. For a moment.

Black lives matter: A message from BlackSky CEO Brian O’Toole
As a people-first company we categorically condemn racism and discrimination. We are at a moment that goes beyond empathy. This moment requires that we acknowledge and deeply understand the realities that exist for every individual and their communities. We must...

BlackSky recognized as 2020 innovators’ showcase honoree
For the second year in a row, BlackSky has been selected to pitch newly developed Spectra AI capabilities at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance’s (INSA) Innovators’ Showcase. Each spring, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) and the...
Employee profile: kamran akhtar
Meet Kam Akhtar, Vice President, Global Governmental Relations and Engagement for BlackSky. Q: What do you do for BlackSky? A: I handle our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and at various US government agencies. The vision that Jason set out for the company has grabbed the attention and imaginations of people everywhere and we like … Continued
BlackSky detects political unrest in venezuela: government takes over gm plant
Within the BlackSky platform we are able to monitor events worldwide. One of those feeds involves monitoring conflict anomalies around the world. Today there was a spike of conflicts within Venezuela indicated political unrest within the country that even has the potential to topple the current government. However, detecting events worldwide is only the … Continued
Introducing BlackSky geospatial solutions
BlackSky Geospatial Solutions enables timely and relevant insights by helping our customers accelerate their business. We’re living in a world of big data with tremendous opportunities to gain a deeper understanding about our changing world. We now have access to data from an ever-growing variety of information sources, sensors, satellites, news feeds, social media and … Continued
BlackSky alert – new renewable energy plants in japan and australia
I’ve been using BlackSky to notify me of activity around facilities in the renewable energy sector worldwide, especially new construction starts or recently completed plants. For example, yesterday morning I received a couple BlackSky Energy alerts – the first notified me that a new solar plant has been completed in the Kagoshima Prefecture of Japan … Continued
BlackSky monitors volcanic eruption in kamchatka
KOMPSAT satellites now available for tasking The value of BlackSky continues to increase and evolve as we add more sensor data to the online service. We recently added new satellites from the KOMPSAT family to our virtual, federated constellation. What is KOMPSAT? KOMPSAT (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) program* is a family of satellites built … Continued