Employee profile: kamran akhtar

Meet Kam Akhtar, Vice President, Global Governmental Relations and Engagement for BlackSky.  Q: What do you do for BlackSky? A: I handle our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and at various US government agencies. The vision that Jason set out for the company has grabbed the attention and imaginations of people everywhere and we like … Continued

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Introducing BlackSky geospatial solutions

BlackSky Geospatial Solutions enables timely and relevant insights by helping our customers accelerate their business. We’re living in a world of big data with tremendous opportunities to gain a deeper understanding about our changing world. We now have access to data from an ever-growing variety of information sources, sensors, satellites, news feeds, social media and … Continued

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BlackSky alert – new renewable energy plants in japan and australia

I’ve been using BlackSky to notify me of activity around facilities in the renewable energy sector worldwide, especially new construction starts or recently completed plants. For example, yesterday morning I received a couple BlackSky Energy alerts – the first notified me that a new solar plant has been completed in the Kagoshima Prefecture of Japan … Continued

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BlackSky monitors volcanic eruption in kamchatka

KOMPSAT satellites now available for tasking The value of BlackSky continues to increase and evolve as we add more sensor data to the online service. We recently added new satellites from the KOMPSAT family to our virtual, federated constellation.      What is KOMPSAT? KOMPSAT (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) program* is a family of satellites built … Continued

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BlackSky Monitors Volcanic Eruption in Kamchatka

Kambalny Volcano on Kamchatka Peninsula Erupts: BlackSky Platform Monitors Changes Satellite imagery is crucially important for responding to crisis events like natural disasters. While we usually focus on high-resolution imagery for monitoring crises, the BlackSky platform also gives us access to “low-medium” resolution sensors like Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2. These multispectral sensors can be useful for crisis … Continued

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Introducing blacksky spectra

BlackSky is the first geospatial service to combine multi-sensor imagery with timely and relevant data feeds and analytical services to enhance your understanding of the world as events happen. Today, we’re excited to announce BlackSky Spectra — our on-demand imagery service. This new name better reflects how the service uniquely enables you to look at … Continued

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Cyclone debbie hits queensland

Last night, Cyclone Debbie hit the coast of Queensland, Australia as a Category 3 storm. We’ve been using BlackSky to track the aftermath from last night’s devastation and today’s continuing heavy rain and flooding. You’ll see in the screenshot below that BlackSky has been configured for our new Natural Disaster topic/theme – showing storm-related events … Continued

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Using BlackSky to better understand the ariane 5 situation

As you’ve probably seen in the news recently, an Ariane 5 launch of Brazilian and South Korean telecommunications satellites has been delayed several times due to increasing labor strife in French Guiana.   News coverage today is instantaneous, and using it to complement satellite data increases our understanding of events as they happen. BlackSky Events, … Continued

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Employee profile: torey alford

Meet Torey Alford, a key member of our BlackSky team.  Q: Describe what you do for BlackSky. A: I am a technical lead for BlackSky, which is a geospatial service for cataloging, ordering, and processing satellite imagery from our evolving BlackSky constellation along with numerous other satellite vendors (comprising of our virtual constellation). Before joining … Continued

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